
Valentina Moncada has a long-term commitment to fund raising, for education and culture. Among these, the McKim Award at the American Academy in Rome (2010-2014), with the purpose to support scholarships for young talents, both Italian and American scholars and artists, in order to enrich its research activity and to contribute to the intellectual and artistic exchange between the two countries. The event 'A Christmas for the Pope' (2013) organized at Galleria Borghese, Rome, in order to raise funds for the Holy Father's Charity through the Obolo of San Pietro. The reconstruction of the Rato Dratsang Buddhist Monastery in India with the project called ‘Photos for Rato’ (2009) and the building of a high school in Africa, promoted by the Italian Association of Sovereign Order of Malta, thanks to the event called “A Hundred Shots for a Hundred Smiles” (2006). Valentina Moncada is appointed a member of the Honorary Committee of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Italy and Japan, promoted by the Embassy of Japan, celebrating cultural exchange between the two countries (2016). She also supported TEVERETERNO onlus in the occasion of William Kentridge’s performance “Triumphs & Laments” (2016).


A Hundred Shots for a Hundred Smiles

McKim Award

Photos for Rato

Christmas for the Pope

150th Anniversary of Japan and Italy


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Rassegna stampa

The Mckim Medal goes to Muti
Luigi Ontani a Villa Aurelia
Rome Wears Prada