May 22nd – June 29th 1996
Curated by M. Codognato

G. Wearing, Dancing in Peckham, 1994
First solo exhibition in Italy of the conceptual English artist Gillian Wearing. In Dancing in Peckham (1994) Wearing establish a relationship with people of large cities filming their reactions. She moves throughout crowded shopping malls while she dances with a Walkman in the middle of a pedestrian area. The incongruity and the surprise effect of this scene interrupts the hurried absorbed trend of the crowd, giving rise to different reactions, from hilarity to anger, from indifference to curiosity. It is presented also the video I’d like to teach the world to sing where different persons are blowing inside a Coke bottle. This reference to a mass product as the famous American soda puts in evidence the control the big powerful companies usually have over our consciences? And indirectly over our choices which are controller by this strong mechanism even if they seem to be free.
Patronage: The British Council, The Henry Moore Foundation and Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation of Art (Turin).
Catalogue: Gillian Wearing, British Waves-British Artists in Rome, Allemandi, Torino 1996 (text by Mario Codognato).