April 29th– May 29th 1993

D. Landi, Freihafen, 1993
First solo exhibition of the Italian artist Donatella Landi. Her work is a cause for reflection on Art, on its own existence and on its proper language system. As a scientific archivist the artist inquires into the concept and into the object of art. Freihafen is the title of the exhibition, a huge installation composed by 48 wooden trays with chromatic hatchways. The sound of the Hamburg harbor with all its endless transfers resounds into the space. The exhibition gathers a set of boxes called Parzelle, each one showing a view on the same harbor through a black and white photo, as they were portholes? They are containers for memory places, portions of space.
Catalogue: Donatella Landi, Valentina Moncada Gallery, Roma 1993 (text by L. Pratesi).