May 31st – July 15th 2002

T. Ruff, Nacht 12 III, Nachte series 1993
It is the first solo exhibition in Rome of the German artist Thomas Ruff in occasion of “FotoGrafia –The First International Festival of Photography in Rome”. The gallery presents three photos, a huge one from the series “Nächte” (Night) and two little portraits from his best-known work of the 1980s representing the young German generation. These are crude images where the traits of the faces are realistically exasperated, remembering in some ways photos usually shot by the police to identify criminals.
“Nächte” (Night) instead represents a series of photographs realized between 1992 and 1996 where night scenes during the Gulf War (1990 – 1991), extracted from the holy masses on television shows. Originally destined for military purposes, the images are all characterized by intense green light. With the purpose to make the visible not-visible Ruff acquired a light intensifier for his camera, shooting blind alleys and desert streets in Dusseldorf as if they were suspended and darkness-shrouded events.