May 30th – June 29th 2012

D. Amstutz, Woman Vanishing, 2009
For his third solo exhibition at the Valentina Moncada Gallery Donato Amstutz exhibits some unseen works along with some others coming from an important solo exhibition at the CACT Museum (Contemporary Art Centre Ticino) in Bellinzona. It is presented a brand-new series of Vanishing Woman, eight languid faces of women in ecstasy, shot in intimate moments or during the rest or the agony. Among these, also the image of a woman embroidered on the back of the canvas, so emerging from the wall and acquiring the sense of object, that is a three dimensional sense of the work in the space. An intimate language, at the same time critic toward the modernism wrecks, and images cut from old-fashioned vintage porn magazines, enlarged continuously until loosing their original shapes through the weave of the embroidered points. Like in Pop-Art system, the artist wants to make unique, and so giving the meaning of work of art, the image of industrial products, which normally are reproduced in series. One of is embroidered Prozac boxes is exhibited in this occasion and also the work Xenofobia, a big page extract from a French dictionary and reproduced on canvas with the same accurate hand-made embroidery.